Today the main cause of premature deaths and cardio-respiratory diseases is due to long and short-term exposure to air pollution, especially in susceptible groups of the population.
Our PARTICULAS professionals have more than 16 years of experience in health risk assessment through toxicological and epidemiological studies in urban and industrial areas.
We have integrated the results of this risk assessment into environmental management tools to determine health benefits when evaluating emissions reduction measures in Atmospheric Decontamination Plans and Environmental Impact Studies.
We use the US EPA’s BenMAP system, adapted for Chile, which allows us to carry out the General Analysis of Economic and Social Impact (AGIES).
BenMAP is open source software used to estimate the benefits of reducing air pollution under different emissions scenarios. It is mainly used to evaluate Decontamination and Atmospheric Prevention Plans, as well as for environmental studies and declarations.
It is a quantitative tool that analyzes health effects, such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases (heart attacks, strokes, hospitalizations, COPD, asthma attacks, days lost from work, impact on work productivity and school absences), and costs associated economics.
BenMAP allows:
We invite you to learn more about our personalized service carried out for the cities of Temuco, Gran Concepción, Chillán, Los Angeles, and Santiago.
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