Indoor Air Monitoring

We merge our extensive experience of more than 16 years in air quality with cutting-edge methodologies to offer a complete service in indoor air quality monitoring.

What is Indoor Air Monitoring?

Indoor air monitoring is essential to ensure healthy environments, especially in closed spaces where the population spends most of their time. This service evaluates the presence of pollutants such as CO2, CO, NOx, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5, PM1), as well as factors such as temperature and humidity.

Services offered

Personalized Monitoring

We carry out precise and detailed measurements in spaces such as offices, homes, schools and hospitals, adapting our methods to the specific needs of each place.

Air Quality Analysis

We use state-of-the-art equipment to identify and quantify contaminants, offering a comprehensive analysis of air quality.

Evaluation and Recommendations

Provide detailed reports with risk assessments and personalized recommendations to improve indoor air quality.

Customized solutions

We develop specific strategies to mitigate identified problems, such as implementing filtration systems or improving ventilation.

Benefits of our service

Health & Wellness

Improves the health and well-being of occupants by reducing exposure to harmful contaminants.

Normative compliance

Ensures compliance with local and international regulations related to indoor air quality.

Space Optimization

Contributes to creating a more comfortable and productive work or living environment.

Risks prevention

Reduces the risk of respiratory and allergic diseases associated with poor air quality.

Our Experience

Our team of experts has successfully implemented air quality monitoring projects in a wide range of environments, from industrial facilities to residential spaces, always with a focus on practical and efficient solutions.

Advantages of working with Particles.

Contact us today!

If you are interested in our services, do not hesitate to get in touch with our company.